Re-union Photo's 2010

Jun 28, 2008

Another from Texas

From the photo albums in Buzzbys which I borrowed, we have one more taken in Texas from 1982...very similar to a previous published photo. With who I'm told is Fiona in the middle, seems I was wrong last time :-) sorry about that Fiona!

Jun 26, 2008

Jun 24, 2008

Scotch Corner

Here we have one from the Scotch Corner, which was near the Copper Kettle. In the photo is Daz who is now living here, and Steve Murphy who now has Buzzbys in Fenals.

Below is one from the Texas, taken in 1982. Behind the bar is Phil who managed Texas with Rish, who, if you look carefully I think is hidden at the back with his leg sticking out to the right ?? We all lost a very good friend when Rish sadly died a couple of weeks ago.
Alongside Phil is Fiona, now running every ones favourite bodega...Barratina !
At the front is Frankie, still here in Lloret (somewhere !)

Three more to name ????

Jun 22, 2008


Another fun photo taken outside the Rabbie Burns, kindly sent by John in the red bow tie. Can you put names to the rest?

So where was Alan Hagger when this was taken?
Must have been in another bar !
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Jun 20, 2008

The Mini Bar

The Mini Bar was run by Chris (sadly no longer with us) and Gill. They are nearest to the bar with their daughter Nicola on Gills knee.
Opposite them in the suit is Tony (Tina & Tony)
At the back in the centre, I have been told is Rona ? and to her right is Alan Hagger again...was he in every photo taken ???
And the others...does anyone know ?
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Jun 19, 2008

The Village Inn.

Another oldie - thanks to Alan Hagger for the photo.

This is one from the Village Inn. Front row to the left is Tommy Stone, who is still a regular visitor to Lloret.
To the far right, I have been told is Big Al.
Next to him is Omelette (as we all know him) Also still a regular visitor to the town
To the right of Tommy is Roger, and on Rogers right is Alan Hagger.

Only three more to name on this photo ... can we do it ?

Where are they now?

Lets start in Gerry's Bar out back in the garden, always a good meeting place for workers and holiday makers who came back to this very popular bar year after year...many still do!
Front row is Colin with a dog, I suppose belongs to him...if not it soon will do !!
To the middle is Gerry and Julie (sadly Julie is no longer with us) .... with who I think will be Simon, who looks very different these days! Lynne is to the left under the tree, short fair hair wearing a black T shirt. Rod is at the back with a picture of a pair of jeans on his T shirt. Roger I think is under the tree to the far right.

After that I don't think I recognise anyone else....maybe you can ??
Please leave a comment if you were there or if you can put a name to any of the faces.