Re-union Photo's 2010

Aug 25, 2008

Birthday in Lloret.

And now for something completely is a link to some more OLD STUFF !
Steve's 50th birthday bash in Buzzbys last night. Here he is in his younger days at the top right.

Happy Birthday Steve from all who were there !!


  1. great foto Jackie, I will start with a few and leave the rest for someone else, Max, (West Ham) then Ricky (Blanes) Bennet, B Fraser , Russell , Paul then on the other side, Lois from Girona (Rob Roy) Gary (Sportsmans) Floyd(Texas 83ish, Rish and Sally. nice 1

  2. hiya, great memories. Just to add a few more names Me Michelle in green top and trousers right of pic,(Yates and Nicky Tamms) Norrie black top,(Nicky Tamms,Davey grey top in front of Norrie (Yates)Paul yellow top and moustache,Tina front row pink top, Eddie next but one to Ricky, Derek (Nicky tamms)under guy at the back with arms out, Mad Saxon,(nicky Tamms) and Stuart 2nd row from back 2nd one in. Hope this helps.

  3. Thanks for that Michelle ! Since I put the picture on I have also noticed that Kevin and Soapy are in there.

  4. I think the redheaded girl in the middle is Fiona's sister, Shona, and could be Scottish Joyce with the sunglasses on.

  5. little max here fantastic site .
    I had 6 great years at Lloret

  6. Thanks for your comment Max, glad you like the site...Jackie


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