Re-union Photo's 2010

Sep 30, 2008

Another good crowd !

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I'm not sure where this was taken or when, (mid 80s?) but there's quite a few well known faces here.
Just to name a few, Ann (ex Tea Shop) Frankie, Jimmy Rockerfeller, Steve and ???


  1. Eileen behind jimmy ( Jimmys wife) in black shirt on left sniff next to him Mick Mcechnie.. and Stevie in pink shirt .. I didnt remember him working for Jimmy .
    old birthday boy is in it with pink shirt on

    Must be before 82 frankie was working in texas in 82
    How is Jimmy Doing now .... Max

  2. Hiya, michelle here again, Billy Tamms from Grimsby worked Texas Saloon front row in beige crouching down. and isnt it you middle back too!!!
    Hope weather is better up there than here in Valencia xx

  3. Top photo was taken in EL Rick's,Blanes
    We used to go there after work and Jimmey R/F and jimmy Simpson Texas payed for it all and . Oh it was 1980


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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