Re-union Photo's 2010

Sep 6, 2008

Gerry's Bar

Gerry's Bar 1987.
From left to right- Maggie, Maisie, Jean & Mary. (The dogs name is Hammer)
Thanks to Jean for bringing all the photo's this week, they are all now scanned and ready to be published.
So if you ever had your photo taken with Aunty Jean you are sure to be here shortly!

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  1. first time I've seen maggie in a bar without an estrella in front of her.

  2. Is that Maggie that used to sell the badges? Cant believe she is still there.

  3. Is that Maggie that sold the badges in the 80's?

  4. Think the estrellas are all behind me, looking at the face !.
    Yes we sold badges in the '80s and have now been married to Colin for 21 years this halloween !.
    Go back to lloret 2/3 times a year
    inc the month of august with our 3 kids.
    Maggie x

  5. for all you lovers of Estrella, its now on salein England in Asda in 4pack carry carton.

  6. Maggie I dont know how many times I used to keep your badge bag behind the bar due to the estrella to hear you and Colin are doing well...........
    What ever happened to Linda that had the badges? Is she still around?
    Davie uno(Sweeney Todds)

  7. I know Maggie won't mind me saying...Nothing new there then, she's still the same. Would you believe that Maggie & Colin, or should I say, Poor Colin as he is now known as! went on to have 3 great kids-Lucas, Callum & Poppy.Every one in town say they are very polite kids. They must get it from Colin :-0

  8. Hello Davie Uno,
    Never saw Linda after about '85.
    We were the GOOD guys helped Ray set up and bought the biz from him.
    Our badge sellers included Mary, geordie Jackie and of course Debbie Big T ! We left in '87 to get married.
    Loving all this 'old stuff' real fun times !. cheers,
    Maggie xxx

  9. Hey was in Lloret for a couple summers and worked at Gerry's bar. His famous interview technique was to see how much beer you could drink! I was there probably 1971 and '73. Now living in the USA but seeing these pictures brought back memories. I would like to contact Alison Hughes who was out there for a while.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)