Re-union Photo's 2010

Oct 22, 2008

La Uva

I have still plenty of photos from (Aunty) Jean which she spent ages on sorting out for the blog. Here we have 2 more from her collection, the top one from the year 1986. I'm not sure where this was taken...were you in the picture ?
The bottom one, taken in 1987 is Jean alongside Ray behind the bar in La Uva.

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  1. Top picture was taken in The Village Inn,most in the pic are all the staff including Dell boy(Blonde Hair blue shirt) who is now an actor and has been in a few blockbusters like Titanic and Gladiator,he also played parts in the Bill and Eastenders.........

  2. third from left at back is my old mate russel black who i believe was running the village inn at that time. the lad with the mustard top next to auntie jean has got to be ian sheriddan from greenock. a very dear friend of mine and russels who is sadly no longer with us. this is what nostalgia is all about.- keeping memories alive. thanks jackie. jordie.

  3. The boy with the vaser cap is Ricky Hoy and the lad with the baseball cap is Paul (second name, do not remember)
    excellant pics and cheers for this site ,its great.
    hopefully next time , I come to Lloret , I can buy you a few drinks.

  4. The guy with the yellow shirt second from right at the back is indeed Ian Sheridan - and is no longer with us sadly - his mate is next but one (head tilted back slightly), Dennis McGarry and if I remember rightly he may no longer be with us either.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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