Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 20, 2008

Club 1900

Black & White days again with another of Omelete's photos from the 1900 Club in 1972, maybe a bit too far back for some to remember.

Then another photo from Jean the year she gave for this photo is 1986 and taken in Beachboys, with her very good friend Andy... he must be coz he's on nearly every photo she gave me!!
(Sorry Andy, but its true !)

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  1. George Micheal (Darren) on bottom pic we worked together for a while with Cosy at the White Horse. I like the top pic , is it the Led Zepplin fan club. thank you punk rock

  2. top photo. is the guy on the right cyril. he was a d.j. for years in lloret. i know he worked in 1900 for a time (mid 70's) i remember me & tony woods (moby disco) driving thro to some obscure disco in santa coloma to have a bevvy with cyril. listening to war of the worlds on tape. bloody marvelous. jordi

    1. I worked in lloret de mar 1971 and 1972 in Hotel Niza across the road from Club 1900 and remember Cyril well. Fab days .

  3. Been friends with Aunty Jean since the mid 70s,when she asked me if i wanted anything brought over next time she came,i asked for a triffle,had one every year since,including this year!!!
    Club 1900,was later called Tramps,the disco in Santa Colma was called "KEOPS"

  4. So if you got the trifle Andy, I wonder who got the sticks of rhubarb which she brought over as well this year!

  5. Would that be a Birds Trifle? If so I cannot fault you.

  6. omg thats me, in 1986 bbc,with jean& andy, im the one pointing, ive got loads of photo's from 85-88..

  7. H Anonymous,
    Any chance of you sending any of your photos through for the site ?

  8. hi jackie im george as they called me (Darren)when i worked in lloret from 84- 88, ill try sending some think ill have to get a scanner, ive just dug out loads of em that rammon, was that his name the old photo guy, had taken, which we had taken on a regular basis.. ive just signed up for your forum chat site looks really good

  9. Great Times top photo 3rd in from the left
    and yes it was cyril.
    My name Raymond Ricorda 1972-1974 The Londoner , Lounge Bar, The Weston Saloon, Las Caves/ Duck of York, Dosing.
    Member of the Swarm Gang (Mickey Murphy.)


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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