Re-union Photo's 2010

Dec 1, 2008

Beach Boys

This photo was sent to me by Frank, (bottom left)

A few of the names he gave are ... Billy Dave and Brian.

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  1. hi there from Argentina, Top Alan , Jayne, Cozy. Tony GinLey ( blue jacket) Bobby Brookes, Then John Tipping, (boxer John) still 1 of my best mates in Rochdale. also Timmy, blond hair

  2. Thanks for that Bomshankar...I must say you get about!

  3. hi Jackie, I hac to look again. bald guy at front is Gary and baldy at the back is Iarry, if I am wromg Max will put me right. Larry and Gary, used to sing a great version of Singing in the Rain (Indicate the way to my abode) also on the pic is Davey McGiugan, it was taken on his 30th birthday do. we had been to Ramom 2 to eat. I have another pic from outside the restuarent.

  4. Looks like it was a good night.
    I'm sure Max will put you right as you say, he does seem to remember every thing and everyone !

  5. That means Dave is 65 he wont be pleased.I think he will be 50 next year i think he shaved a few year's off

  6. Gary bald at front and Larry is at back bald head... The song that was a beach party song was a Ro cha cha song to the music of singing in the rain .. This originated in the Beach Parties and the Beach boys Club then a lot of other bars used it .
    It the leather jacket is Ricky B . But like me he is bald now .. Max pax enanue .. I think Larry is in Barking still

  7. No that's Pat Murphy good old Pat one of the best in the costa Brava He was the manager of the Beach boy's in Calella.The other leather jacket is Brian


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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