Re-union Photo's 2010

Jan 24, 2009

A special treat...4 photos today !

I received these 2 photos from Bryan Stefanski yesterday asking for them to be put on the blog, (thanks Bryan) this is what Bryan said .......

''1st Im not quite sure Pat caught anything that day (Fishing was never that good in The Beach Boys)
2nd pic Dave John Me Potsy &pat the 2 on the outside im not too sure (Possibly Mobys)''

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  1. nice one bryan but I think both photos are in the londoner ah may be wrong was the guy on the right called makem worked in the mariners

  2. think u could be right bot that pat

  3. what where you on Pat

  4. the group photo is in mobys. the medallion worn by pat was some pottsy and davy found on the morning shift in yates july 82


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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