Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 3, 2009

Can you put names to these?

The photos today are from Derek, who used to be the DJ at Sgt Peppers. I think I recognise Anthony Angus in both photos ??? Not sure about any one else though.


  1. Top pic back row, from left, Mark,Andy,Angus,Derek.
    Bottom pic: from left: Derek,Mark and Angus

    By Davie.Uno

  2. Top pic front row on the right,
    Think thats Montse married Mark and had baby Michael, did she work in B. B. Club as well ?

    Maggie x.

  3. The two girls in the top pic with Montse are Rosa and Sagri from Gerona, the guy to the left on the bottom pic was some drunk German tourist...(Derek'll be happy Davie!)



Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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