Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 10, 2009

Photo's from Shuggie...

Shuggie has kindly sent some photos for the blog, here are the first four. I hope I have published the correct photos to match the names he gave me, if not let me know and I'll correct it.

All these photos from 1975.
Apart from the fact that the Duke photos are in black and white you will see that no-one is wearing Tee Shirts. For some reason the Big Bosses (Edgar, Alan & Geoff (goof)) decided on no Tee shirts for that year. We were back to Tee shirts the following year. Geoff is in a couple of the photos. The bottom photo from Duke of York 1. has Shuggie, Chas & Jimmy.
Although I worked for the Londoner group for most of my 4 years in Lloret I did have a spell with Teds (Moby Dick) group working in the White Horse.
The top photo in White Horse 1 has Shuggie Kelly, Des Kelly , Archie Mather, Danny Beattie, Eaddie Stewart, Maggie O'Brien, Maggies sister & Sledgehammer (Sledgie), sorry I think his proper name was Frank.
Lloret, Lloret, a place I'll never forget,
Where ever I roam near or far,
I'll remember Lloret De Mar.
All the best,
Shuggie Kelly.


  1. Which one is Des Kelly, I can't recognise him from the photo, the fella who has an arm round his neck looks like Mally Goodhead to me, or at least his twin. Can't wait to see rest of your photos, bet you have hundreds!!

  2. H Shuggie, nice to see yer alive and kicking. Will have to call archie and have him check in. Hope all is well with you.
    Limpy :)

  3. Des at the top. I see him when i go back to Scotland. He has pure white cropped hair now, otherwise hasn't changed a bit.

  4. Hi Limpy
    All is great down here in OZ. Having a great time going through all my photos to send in. I never realised you were in so many & Albie and I seem to be joined at the hip. Watch this space
    All the best, Shuggie.

  5. Glad to hear life is good, get them foties posted cos I,ve only got about 5 total so looking forward to seeing them. El Limpo

  6. just a quick note to say i met graham heywood ( peter piper) at manchester airport this morning (looking well) had a chat and told him to check out the site, i know some have asked about his where abouts, hopefully he'll look in.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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