Re-union Photo's 2010

Apr 30, 2009

Photos from Billy.

Thanks to Billy for sending todays selection through.

All dressed up in the first photo, he says its because they tried to make a scruffy pub look POSH!
His next photo shows the gang from the Londoner.


  1. nice one billy a few auld faces in there man

  2. What year were they taken?

  3. That's a cracker Billy i see Colin at the bottome left. Pat and Jack Meak bottome right hand side

  4. ah reckon the year was 77

  5. Pat,is that Stevie from Buzbys far left on the shelf.

  6. I think so or did you say has stevie been left on the shelf, how are you anyway hows things in fuengirola

  7. Can't be stevie if it was 77, I don't think he was there then, was he? He is only a baby compared with us old ones ha ha

  8. I think it was 78 it was our 1st year there. Me Colin and Jack

  9. could well be frank its gettin harder to split one year from the next out there specially the 70s. All the time ah spent out there ah can only remember arrivin then thats it cuda bin anywhere. ha great times eh

  10. Ye i arrived on the magic bus (clipper)as you say Pat i do remember that.A wee bit of a blur after that best of times my old pal

  11. Bottom photo, what is the name of the fella at the front on the left, I can't remember for the life of me but he was a really nice lad


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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