Re-union Photo's 2010

Apr 10, 2009

Photos From Shuggy

Thanks to Shuggy for todays photos, here are just five of which he sent for the blog...with lots more still to come !

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  1. top photo,Foxy John Lee, Shuggie,Frankie Jolly, Graham, Dave(Bonnie lad)Don't recognize the microphone guy??

    2nd pic,Stevie or Davie Peo??Foxy Graham Shuggie,Dave,Little Mo(Paisley)Do not recognize the girls.

    John and Shuggie.

  2. The girl at the front looks like Jeanette to me.

  3. First 2 are from 1975, Big Boss Geoff (Bentham??)is in both of them. The posh coloured ones are from 1977 Geoff is also in the last one of those. What happened to him Jill?

  4. He is still in Lloret in fact the last time I saw him was at Hammy's 50th, we were sat on the same table. That was the last good night out I had with June, she came with us and we had a great night, I must find my photos, she was very happy and quite tiddly and managed to stay most of the night, despite her illness.

  5. Sorry Jill it's not me

  6. Think the other girl is Mo that was married to Colin Gay x

  7. Yes the other girl is me Mo who was married to Colin Gay at the time. I'm now living in Orlando married with 4 kids!!!


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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