Re-union Photo's 2010

May 13, 2009

Photos from Jill & Diane

Here we have more photos from Jill and her sister Diane. Dianes photo are the top three.


  1. A rare showing from Tommy Potter with Frankie Jolie, nice to see the mad tee-total veggie make an appearance.

  2. I knew about the veggie bit but not that he was now tee total, what is up with him? ha

  3. He's been off the sauce for many years now, a mad cyclist now. I will visit him (and Caroline) for 4th July week-end. They are however both nuts!!
    I told him to check out the site.
    Has anyone got hold of FJ or John Lee?

  4. Give him my love when you visit, I have also told Caroline on facebook to get him on the site. I have managed to get Albie on, you will have to pressure him, we need a full set!!!

  5. After talking to Albie the other day (in Buzzby's where else!)I got the feeling he feels he was pressured into getting on the site ! He was getting so many messages from all of you...I think I'll change the name of the site to 'ALBIE'S FAN CLUB'

  6. Don't bother Jackie, his head is big enough!! lol. I was in Lloret for a couple of days too but did not get much chance to pay visits

  7. a fun guy fan club or unhealthy obsession ?


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)