Re-union Photo's 2010

Jun 8, 2009

Nicky Tams

Two here from Michelle, with a request for anyone who knows where Norrie is these days....

''Another piccie from outside Nicky Tams (1982 I think.)
Norrie my manager and Jose manager (although I never really understood any of them lol) Does anyone know where Norrie is now ???''


  1. The second piccie was taken in Rockafellas after work. Buck Fig, spanish photographer and me Michelle , not sure who the others were xx

  2. Couldn be me with the braces on and the back of Micky Pish Makecknee.

  3. The lad next to Buck is Brian one of the lads from Kirkby who came over for a hol and stayed for about 6 weeks .When i see Buck i'll tell him to get on this site


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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