Re-union Photo's 2010

Oct 24, 2009

A Bit More Recent!

I have just recieved these phots from Colin and Doreen who spent a few years living in Lloret back in the 90s. In the 1st photo Colin is pictured along Stuart, in the next one isTommy (from the Navy Bar in Fenals) the last photo taken in the Barretina shows Fiona behind the bar, Colin stood on the right, Lynne, Omelet, Debbie & Christian. Could that be Colin Vinall in the bottom right of the photo?

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  1. yes thats colin,maggie was on the other side of the table

  2. I thought she wouldnt be too far away!

  3. They are not my fantas !.
    m x


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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