Re-union Photo's 2010

Oct 18, 2009

Tony Porter's Selection.

If you can all remember the last time I published some of Tony's photos, I said that I was looking for some information about the 'old' Costa Encantada hotel for him. Well unfortunately so far I've had no luck about that, but I did speak to one person who was a very good source of info, (a long time ago his family used to own the Eugenia Hotel) He told me that the hotel Adriano (featured in one the the previous post's) he remembers very well. He showed me on a Lloret street map where it stood and nearly gave me the life story of the woman who owned it! She was an English woman called Mrs Hayes who's family also owned the Athene Hotel and also a travel company in London called Panorama...or something very similar. I've passed the news onto Tony, and told him that I will find out more for him if I can.

Again.......Fascinating Stuff !!

Today's photos are from the great selection sent in by Tony in Australia.
The first 2 here look to me as though they are on the promenade in front of the town hall?

This next one has me puzzled!
I .can't think where abouts in Lloret this could be...
I just don't recognise the building at the top of the steps, does anyone else have any idea.
Tony, if you see this maybe you could help us out??

I should think the 2 boys in the last photo will be Tony and his brother, looking out to sea at the boat.

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  1. I think that is the Church in the Background .. from the side .. Max Pax Enanue ...
    Is that Frank in the pic with the pipe nice knees

  2. oh haha.I its the church allright

  3. I dont think that is the church in fact I dont think that photo was taken in Lloret - maybe Girona or Barca ??

  4. I've been looking through my photos from Girona and Barcelona, as I was thinking the same, but I dont have any with such a building. I would have thought Barcelona is the most likely place ... not sure though !

  5. I keep looking at that picture.It does look similar as the church. But i dont remember a street that came up from that steep angle.

  6. No its not Llorets church defo.

  7. I think its Lloret church, see the building on the right at the top of the steps it looks like there is a statue built in. looks familiar.
    Remember when the river road was crossed by bridges, they were very high up. Is it possible that before that was built there were steps upto the centre of lloret old town ?. just a theory !
    Maggie x.

  8. Just passing through - things are a bit busy Down Under, what with football Grand Final (Aussie Rules), the Melbourne Cup, and bushfire season just starting up. I'll write more later, but those who think the church could be in Barcelona are probably right - my folks did go off to Barcelona a few times, leaving us kids in Lloret. Sorry, but I'm relying on the memory of a kid of 8-10, more than 50 years ago! Tony Porter, Melbourne.

  9. Hi Tony
    Thanks for that Tony,I've even been down to look at the church in Lloret from various angles and its a completely different shape as the one in your photo, so hopefully we have solved the problem now.

  10. It's the church in Girona taken from a side street alleyway. It's on the top of a hill lots of steps up to it. by the river.
    regards Pamela, Bar Rita's


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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