Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 21, 2010

Jeans Photos

Todays photos come from Jeans album, in the 1st one she is with Pink Maria's two boys. In the next one with '103 Bob' at a sevice station on the way home from Lloret.

The photo above is taken in Buzzbys in 1996.

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  1. 3rd picture down, Mark Swannal, sign writer, and Dobes. Mark died some years ago, good man

  2. 3rd photo. Daddy Bear Rish, boy do we miss him,
    Buzzby's just not the same without him RIP.

  3. I no rish is in the the third photo down not sure of the others I think the guy on the far right is steve watson

  4. no its not Steve Watson, it is the guy from the paragliding, goes in Buzzbys a lot. Russell do you know what happened to Dobes? does he drink in the Horseshoe in Greenock?
    Up The Dale.

  5. Yes it is Alan Para. My mobile has been pinched so if I had your numbers before can you private message them to me. Cheers. I am lost, feel like my right arm has been cut off but new phone arrives tomorrow and for those who had mine, the number will be the same.

    Thanks a lot

  6. Is Paragliding Alan Still in LLoret? whats he up to?

  7. And drinking in Buzzbys !

  8. I love Dickheads like the last 2 responces, Just shows you the mentality of the people still there? either pissheads or dead. All the sensible people left years ago.

  9. Stay in Lloret and become a alcholic or die, I can name a dozen under 60 without even thinking, ----Mark Chris Christine Soapy Kevin Tim Babs etc etc

  10. Its called FUN luv, a bit of humour? thats my RESPONSE!

  11. Write your name and so we know who we are talking to please DON´T REMAIN ANONYMOUS PLEASE!!!!!!

  12. Anonomus ... Dont kill the site .. no matter where in the world you are Alcohol is a killer unless you can deal with it .. I came home from Lloret but drank before I went out there .. And admit I drank whilst out there ... But wow I have such happy memories out there .. Ricky also played a bit part of creating some of them Happy memories .. But I was lucky I went to A/A not straight away i must say I still had binges .. But now dont drink at all .. BUT I HAVE NEVER EVER AND NEVER WOULD BLAME LLORET AND THE PEOPLE OF LLORET ... if anything they made me the strong person I am today and I thank them all for that .... Max Pax Enanue

  13. I totaly agree with you max I drank before I went and drank more when I was there but I had wonderfull times there and made some good friends and I met some strange charecters.In the end alcohol got the better of me when I was at home but like max I got to the AA and now my life is better than it has ever been. Sober now for a few years and seen the world in sobriety but as max said you cant blame people or places it is yourself you have to look at for any good or bad things that you bring into your life not other people.So good luck to the people of lloret de mar and let them live there lives as they please and lets all live our lives to the best of our ability as the saying goes live and let live

  14. Annony would love to know who yu are send me a message cheers Max .. Its like ive just written what u have just wrote

  15. Don´t you read the posts before,NAME YOURSELF at the beginning of your post otherwise DON´T POST UNDER ANONYMOUS!!!!!

  16. I dont think it will do any good asking people to put their name, its their choice to call themselves whatever they want so you'll still not know who they are.

    I was going to remove some of the above comments but whats the point? People like that wont spoil the site at all, they obviously enjoy it as much as everyone here or they wouldnt waste their precious time looking at the site!

    Maybe the person who thinks everyone in Lloret is an alcoholic could send us some photos from their 'SENSIBLE' days in Lloret ????

  17. I can remember a sensible day in Lloret...................................................................................................................................................?Sod it no I can´t.

  18. how do u put your name on .. i typen in my name and it ask for url what is that ..
    Cheers max

  19. I did'nt need to go to A A, too much Banana Brandy did the trick for me, George Stewart if your reading this ha ha.

  20. Ricky are you thick aa meens alcoholic lets see if you can work out what the second A stands for I will give you a clue it is why I am Anonymous got it yet

  21. Max put your name in url
    and click post comment
    some times say its not worked
    click post comment again
    will give you a password to put in box
    then post again

  22. If you want to add your name to the start of your on >Select Profile - then scroll down to >Name/URL, you can then just type in your name, dont bother about URL. Then post your comment as usual. Hope this makes sense!

  23. Mr Sensible,did you not enjoy Lloret at all,you must of been there years back if you knew Bab´s as she passed a long while ago.
    What´s pissed you off all of a sudden.

  24. Yippee cheeers i can do it

  25. DR.A.TILSLEY P.H.24 February, 2010 07:45

    Jonh this is a classic case of blameing eveybody else for your own mistakes,see it all the time in my profession.

  26. Dr Tilsey ... I remember you when you were an understudy to Dr Cribben .. And Dr Shipman ...
    How you doing now ... I heard you got loads of PHD's
    Pints of Heinken Draught

  27. I was Going to start a NON ALCHOLICS CLUB in ricky,s bar Blanes. But then no-one would turn up!!! L-m-A o

  28. You are a lot of Piss heads .I workrd over there with most of you..You never seen take a drop You dont need it to enjoy yourself

  29. ME. sorry i forgot to put that in

  30. The last photo above all the drivel is me and Colin with Jeannie, our middle lad Callum looks sober to me and he was two at the time! Poppy is in the push chair....age one...passed out?.
    Will I show them all this? not bloody likely!
    Dont like it? dont log on, just dont spoil it!.
    Maggie x

  31. Disco Fame destroyed my mind.
    Callum drove me to insanity. he put a lighted cigarette in my face.
    the alcohol and pills were too much.
    i only worked one season. 11 years ago.
    and yet i still lay awake at night -- seeing it all as though it were yesterday.
    Disco Fame -- i tell you it was the birth of the nightmare.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)