Re-union Photo's 2010

Apr 28, 2010

Another one from Sue

I think this maybe the photo you were talking about Loretta ?
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  1. Hi Sue,
    Yes it was. That was a great job short hours, lots of money and even bigger laughs!

  2. Hi Loretta
    Yes it was good fun, didn't enjoy the ride to tossa though.
    Have you got plans to go back this year

  3. Hi Sue,
    Yes I'm going to try and make it sometime Sept and hope I may see Sue and Jordie this time. Say Hi to Caroline for me she came to visit Scott and me when we stayed in London about thirty years ago. Going to visit Lloret as much as I can over next few years so I might see you some time.

  4. Hi Loretta
    Carolyn a i are booked to go back, end of june and also beginning of september, so keep in touch and if you are there september we could meet up.

  5. Hi Sue,
    That would be great as soon as I can get something arranged i'll you know.

  6. Sue,
    Sorry that was meant to read I'll let you know. bet you were wondering what I was talking about lol


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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