Re-union Photo's 2010

Apr 17, 2010

Micks Album.

Photos from Mick Fitsall today feature the Romance Disco, dating back to 1984.
Thanks for sending them Mick!


  1. That was a great little place, good prop team and Cyril playing some top tunes. Sometimes met up with Mick or Sheila for a beer before starting work. Good photos Mick.

  2. Phontos are ok but wheres the main man Cyril Romance's top DJ

  3. Thank goodness I left Llorett before it went all posey!!

  4. So you worked in a pub then

  5. No I did prop!!

  6. Hello Max

    Just been sorting through some old Romance stuff and found a picture of Cyril with some bloke called Rich! They all worked together for a few seasons with Mike Tommy and Nigel and of course Tony the Boss. I will send the photo to be put on the romance section. Your right Cyril was always the main man. Oh and the reason you left lloret was cos you was to old mate LoL

  7. Top bloke Cyril and loved his Music me and Mke used to fill our cases up every March with records from London for him. Rich


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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