Re-union Photo's 2010

May 11, 2010

Loretta's Photos

Todays photos come from Loretta.... 1st - 1925 Club.

2nd - Moby Dick

3rd - Photo Lloses workers in Gemini's



  1. 2nd photo looks like Moby Dick Disco ??

  2. Yes it was the Disco in 1974.
    L to R is Colin, Gaye, Austin , me and Brian.
    Happy Days.

  3. If I am not mistaken the guy center second photo (with streamers) is in my picture from Mody Dick below, I think his name is Martin ??

  4. Sorry but your wrong his name is definately Austin. He worked in the Disco 1974.

  5. The top photo of 1925 was my 21st birthday I am the one in the black dress..I remember Lloretta and Joe...who disappeared one night not to be seen again!....I use to work in the Kitchen and then as a cocktail waitress!! Happy times.....I actually have this photo and a couple more maybe I can try and post them......thanks for the memory!
    Janice Nash

  6. Hi Janice,
    Nice to hear from you again. Yes they were good
    times and would love to see more photos. Would like to make it clear that Joe disappeared on his own and not with me!!!

  7. Sorry! I know you didn't go off together, I just remembered the names I have forgotten what the others were called.
    My good friend Jackie Colwell worked in bar La Una with Louis, we used to meet up after work and stay out till early am...can't do that anymore...


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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