Re-union Photo's 2010

May 12, 2010

Shuggies Reunion

It looks as though the Lloret reunion was so much in Shuggie's thoughts that he held his own reunion in Australia also last weekend, he has just sent me these photos and email....A great idea Shuggie...cheers!

"Hi Jackie,
Derek (McGroovy) Wingate & I couldn't make the re-union so we had our own in North Western Australia.The first photo was taken in our apartment in Lloret in 1975, the rest are from last weekend(same weekend as the re-union). We even dug out some Lloret memorabilia for last week. The T shirts are a bit out of date but thats OK, at least we got them on,,,JUST.
Hope you all had a great time.

Shuggie Kelly''



  1. Glad you all had a good time, you all look well, probably better than we did at the reunion lol x

  2. look's like two old gay men to me

  3. i must have missed them two

  4. Thought that myself, til the 4th photo!

  5. Definetely not McGroovy more like Mcfanny.

  6. Where was the party you pair of bawsacks.

  7. High Rolling Australian style. One bottle of wine six glasses and the take away that didnt turn up.
    That must have set the two of you back a bit.
    Are you saving for new T,Shirts for the next reunion.
