Re-union Photo's 2010

Aug 4, 2010

Photos from Joe.

Thanks to Joe for todays photos -Both were taken in Rabbies bar.


  1. Max of Rabbies04 August, 2010 14:18

    Top pub and top class manager Davie .. Steph . And Tommy in the pic with Linda ... Them poor children then being forced the wrap that scarf round them .( No wonder the lad is not smiling ) Im sure he asked for a gers one

  2. got turfed out of your bed for those poor children, we arrived about 2am and Joe made you give your bed up, and just to make you feel old they are nearly 28 and 30 now, so anytime you want to come to manchester i'll make them give their beds up for you...ha ha x

  3. Gaud blimey Linda I remember that adventure but believe me it was worth it ... Dont time fly .. .Hope all is well and I bet there bigger than me now

  4. did'nt no hammy had a celtic supporter's club running from the rabbie's how time's change

  5. what a pair of wee Cracker's hail Hail need I say More

  6. Graham Souness05 August, 2010 21:53

    Frank just because your the same clan as Jose .. Ginger Bonce .. Hope Connor is keeping well and another poor lad wearing the shirt ..

  7. all i can say is 'The weans look resplendent'.

  8. ax*ahahah I not bad Graham (Max?)

  9. just found this it,does anyone on here know where the old rabbie burns staff are now joe mcfadden,little max,tommymck,fish,steff,john sales and geordie jackie we spent every year in there on holiday easy the best bar in lloret with the craziest staff xxx

  10. Hi Anonymous, welcome to the Old Lloret Stuff site....glad to know you love it! The easiest way to get in contact with your old mates is to leave a comment (just as you have here) under the latest photos. The best way to find the latest is to just scroll down from here...where you will see 3 options - NEWER POST, HOME & OLDER POST, just click on HOME and that will take you to the very latest photos which I put every 2-3 days or so. Just to let you know some of those you mention are regular visitors to the site and have been more or less from the start. If you have old photos from your time in Lloret I'd be very grateful if you would sort some out and forward them to me for the site...Thanks in advance!.... Jackie..
    Ps dont forget to add your name to your comments so they know who you are! Thanks again


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