Re-union Photo's 2010

Sep 19, 2010

Photos from Colin & Angie - Gerry's Bar

Thanks to Colin and Angie for sorting through their old pics from Gerry's Bar and giving me a new batch for the Old Stuff, some include photos of the Norwegian visitors who came back to Gerry's year after year.... and still do today! Some used to travel down to Lloret on their motor bikes and park them in the garden while they were here and at times even camp out there!
In the 2nd photo it  looks as though Frankie was very popular with the Norwegians also....who is she, anybody know?

To see more photos from Gerry's Bonsky Bar days CLICK HERE


  1. she wasnt norwegian her name is jenny and she was from bath,a holiday rep.

  2. WHO WAS look at pervy Paul

  3. Frankie Hart...why am i not surprised x

  4. top picture is moggy and paul, moggy worked in foto lloses

  5. meant to say moggy worked for foto lloses she did the barbecues

  6. Of course, you are correct. I just remembered that she was called like one of my cats. Can you please change that Jackie, thanks, Angie

    P.S: Frankie, I had a ginger tom named after you as well.

  7. I remember that wee Cat it was a good looking wee thing.How are you both Angie? Tell Colin i will pay my bill (no chance)


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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