Re-union Photo's 2010

Oct 6, 2010

More from Norman.

These photos were sent by Norman in Australia, you may remember I put some of his photos on the blog a few days ago along with pages from the Lloret Scene magazine which he also sent, below you can see another 2 pages. Does anyone have anything similar where we can see the old prices and adverts from the 'old days'?
Norman thinks that the 2 girls in the photo below worked in Isadoras Tavern, next to the Moef Ga Ga but doesnt know their names can anyone help, also the first photo does anyone recogise anyone there?

Thanks for sending your photos Norman, I hope you get some answers.


  1. Harold and Ivy from the Birmingham Fish and Chip shop....anyone who worked in Lloret early 70,s,,,would have such fun memories of them...Quite an unforgettable couple..I guess they are no longer in Lloret?

  2. Hi, The girl in the first photo is Joice the year is 1975. Jocie worked at the Bar Rita then later on in the season at the grab park disco.

    The second photo is of myself (Judy) and Jocie both from Nottingham. I worked in Top-T-top 1975 and 1976

    Fabulous site, it's brought back lovely memories.

  3. Thanks for your comment, nice to know the site brought back some good memories for you.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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