Re-union Photo's 2010

Oct 31, 2010

Thanks to Julie for todays pics!

Todays photos taken back in the 70s come from Julie... the 1st one is Burkes birthday bash and the

 2nd pic is Liz and Julie herself on a day trip to Barcelona.


  1. I remember that day at burke's birthday, lots of people there good day.
    Hows the reunion plans going with burke julie?

  2. Hi Julie, top photo is that you in the middle that worked on cloakroom desk in toppos disco mid 1970s? Dave Slatford

  3. Hi Sue I havent got my act together in phoning John so I am thinking of coming to LLoret with you and Carolyn next year for a reunion. Sue do you know who Dave Slatford is ? Did he work in Toppos when I was on the clockroom and Burke was the doorman?

  4. Hi Dave Yes that's me Did you work in Toppos?

  5. sorry julie dont remember


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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