Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 11, 2010

Sue's Pics

 Thanks to Sue for todays selection of photos for the 'Old Stuff.


  1. jackie was that sue vale that was in the pics of gas leaving ? if it was tell her i was asking for her joe mc fadden ( ex rabbie burns )

  2. Yes Joe it was, and funnily enough I have just left Sue and a few other friends only about 30 mins ago after being out for menu of the day and a good gossip! I'll more than likely see her over the week-end so I'll pass on your message then.

  3. Joe, I saw Sue Last night and gave her your message, She said are you the same Joe who worked for them in their bar the George & Dragon?

  4. Yep thats him Jackie I worked with him too .. All he did was pinch my Kuoros after shave ..

  5. You were mentioned also Max, we were saying how quiet you had been lately! did you work in the bar for them as well....have I got it right?
    Thanks for the reply .. Jackie x

  6. yea jackie it's that joe tell sue when you see her to drop me a email with all the gossip ...thanks a lot jackie xx

  7. Jo, She said I have to give you her phone number, I'll send it to you in an email...Sue doesnt know what an email address is !!! You could also send me your phone number to pass onto her if you like...She sounded really pleased when I mentioned your name and said she would like to get in touch again. Jackie x


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)