Re-union Photo's 2010

Jan 7, 2011

Photos from Carolyn

Thanks to Carolyn for todays selection of photos, I believe the first one would have been taken just last year outside what I think looks like Giorgios that right Carolyn?

Here are the details Carolyn gave...
1 Sue Pauline Steve
2 Dutch Friends - Kill and his friends   
3Liz Julie Jimmy Carolyn
4,5,6, With the monkey Julie looked after - Tracey and her friend and Jimmy


  1. Bloody Hell look at Stevie with the legs out...what was the occasion?
    think your right about Giorgio's x

  2. no special occasion just went one lunch time when we were over last july

  3. The Monkey grew up and went to work in Callella in the Beach Boys Bar and Also do Beach Parties then retired in Manchester .. Think his name was Frankie ..

  4. You cheeky weee fuker .Do you remember Martin the monkey .Was a punter at the start and just stayed ended up working with me and pat


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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