Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 13, 2011

Kim's Photo

Kim has kindly sent in this photo of herself dressed as a Spanish lady..... very nice Kim!
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  1. Hi Kim I did the same job as you dressing up as a Spanish lady having my photo taken with the punters then selling the photos I worked for Sue and Geordie photo Lloses in a nightclub in Rosas can't remember the name of the club.

    PS my dress was red spots

  2. Wow, yes Lloses, I thought we were in Tossa ! I worked with another "Spanish Girl" called Pat, needed to have a tan, and do quick change. We piled into the car for the journey, a bit scarey at times ! Kim x ps and table cloth as a head dress

  3. The name of the night club in Tossa is "EL Ruedo"

  4. Hi Kim Yes Tossa how can I forget a name like That! I once sat on a girls lap to have a photo taken because a thought she was a guy!!!!!

  5. That's funny, Kim


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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