Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 2, 2011

On the Beach

Sue, Julie and Barry
Julie has sent some more of her photos from her good old  days in Lloret....on the beach with not a bar in sight but I'm sure the men will think these are a much better sight for a change. Julie did ask me to censor them some how....hope you like what I've done Julie ;-)

Several people, including Sue in the 1st photo have been in touch recently and have asked me to put a piece on the blog about the next reunion, so I'll be doing this maybe tomorrow....unless the sun is shining again! (I am still on holiday!)

Two Julie's on the beach!


  1. When i first scrolled down slowly i thought oh no!! but when i saw the sun flowers really made me laugh and the faces on julie and julie.
    Very good jackie x

  2. Am assuming these pics are of the girls topless..We left lloret in 1980 and hadn,t been aware of any topless bathing at that point..In fact in the early 1970"s I am sure you would have been thrown in prison if not beat up...I assumed these photos where from that era???? any comments?? Thanks

  3. I have the same photo as the first one it was taken in 1979, but top less bathing became legal between 1976-1979, carolyn and i were one of the first to do it when we worked there.
    I remember we were lying on the beach with bobby huntley and we had heard it was legal so we slithered our tops off while lying down and i remember bobby saying what the hell do you think you are doing,think he was more embarrassed than us,we didnt dare to sit up for a while though, it was all round lloret by the night time that 2 girls from foto lloses had taken their tops off on the beach, it makes me laugh now.

  4. Oh to be a sunflower xx...Guess Who xxx

  5. MAX ??? OR COULD IT BE fRANK ????

    Come girls we all did it! any more out there...I will cover you up if you want!

  6. Even Page 3 of the Sun newspaper when you bought it here had a big black piece across the boobs until they got a bit clever and started drawing in the bikini tops!

  7. Jackie how could you .. xx a clean living man like me .. And me and Frankie Saw boobies every day on the beach parties .. I think its Joe Mcfad .. xx But ladies keep the photos comming xx

  8. Frankie monies on you mate...loll x

  9. Your right it was not me. Linda how could you I never in all my life.As Max said we saw to much it ruined my youth.It was nice to see some with tops on No sorry that was a big LIE

  10. hey pixie why am i getting the blame i think topless was 1st allowed in 77 we were in the white horse when someone from the west coast came in and said they were lying across from there so about 10 of us went round for a look

  11. Hi Jackie thanks really like the sun flowers and the smilies Julie

  12. Hi Sue I'm sure I was with you and Carolyn the first time we went topless on the beach. I remember Bobby saying "What - have we got fried eggs for dinner tonight" !!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. ha ha ye julie i remember that day, but it was a different time xx

  14. It was always nice to see some frup-ney bits on the beach,but for every nice pair, there was at least three dodgy sets we chaps had to take in.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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