Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 27, 2011

Lloret´s farewell to Stevie!

 It was Lloret´s turn to say goodbye to Stevie last night, And what a night it was.
There were a few tears but also lots of laughs!
 Many of his friends had travelled from the UK to join Stevie's family for one last night in Buzzbys. The bar was opened at 6pm where we all gathered before walking down to Fenals beach where after a few words from Andrew his ashes were scattered. We then layed a dozen yellow roses on the same spot,  a huge round of applause from everyone there then followed! After a few minutes we all then made our way back to the bar and had a great night as you could only ever do in Buzzby's! 
All the photos from last night can be seen over on........ Buzzbys page.


  1. Fantastic. Wish I had been there

  2. Hi Jeanette, Thanks for your comment ! I was asking Colin if you were still away the other day, hope your having a nice time. We just got back to Lloret last Tuesday after been away since 4th Jan, although we did get to Stevie's funeral in England then travelled back to Malaga...but we just felt that we should have been in Lloret with everyone else. Hope to see you soon xx

  3. Linda and Michael x x27 March, 2011 19:44

    Fantastic photo's wish we could have been there. x x


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