Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 15, 2011

Malachi's Photos

Two photos from Malachi today...both very old! 
The one from La Cala is dated 1970 so I should think the other is about the same year, sorry but no names for anyone in these photos at all...only Malachi on the left in the top picture.


  1. Is that a young Keith? (top photo 2nd in, next to Malachi)

  2. Yes ,,it is ,most definitely Keith,,thats how I remember him...I think that top photo is probably dated before 1970..circa 1968,1969.
    2nd pic..3rd from the left. young lady with the long dark hair, is Anne Keegan, Malachis wife at the time.Unfortunately, Anne is no longer with us,a lovely girl..

  3. Yes the top photo shows Malachi and young Keith, Keith went to work in the Istanbul I think but definitely in the 1900. I believe the guy at the front of the photo is Salvador Roch who worked with Malachi in the Captains Arms that Tony Batey had at that time. In the 2nd photo the guy to the left of Anne Keegan is scouse Steve, the guy far right is Chris who worked at the old La cala when it was a single storey building, he ended up with a rash on his back that looked like the circular pattern on the front of Anne's dress which he contracted from stroking a wild cat on the beach according to the doctor.

  4. Thanks guys

  5. By the Way....Salvadore is not in either of these photos...sorry....


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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