Re-union Photo's 2010

Apr 26, 2011

Photos from Gill

 Another new batch of photos for the Old Stuff! all are taken between the years of 1979-83 Thanks to Gill Raine for sending them.
Her first 2 are from Nicky Tams with Andy Milroy ,and is it Stewart in the 2nd one?


  1. Is that Joe Brogan on the left of the 2nd one.....and Agnes is that sexy girl in black you x x

  2. Joe, Micky, Andy, Stu, Pedro..and Roland..Girls Natasha, Gill and urs truly. Don't particularly like this picture x x x

  3. Agnes stole the show i bet in that outfit x

  4. agnes that's what i call a dress xx

  5. Hope your girls know they got their looks and figure from their loverly mother x x

  6. Nothing ever changes Joe me and you always had good taste ...


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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