Re-union Photo's 2010

Jun 1, 2011

Photos from Carol Anderson

.Thanks to Carol for sending a great selection of photos yesterday, some of the bars featured in them are the Pink Panther, West Coast, Buccaneer, Moby's and the T Shoppe all date back to about 1977....heres the first 2 from the West Coast....still lots more to come!


  1. brilliant, I think the second one is the first photo on the site of pete thompson and divvy sue x

  2. I remember the 'mock wedding' Divvy Sue and wee Archie Great laugh!

  3. Yes that was a good day, I don't think any of us made work that night. By the way, who are you anon

  4. Hi Jill
    I'm Julie married to Tam (Geminis 1977) Hope you and Albie are both well x

  5. Yes we are both fine. what are you up to these days, where are you living. what are you under in the membership list and I will pm you

  6. Hi Jill
    I have sent you a message on your e-mail account as listed on the website
    Julie x

  7. Hi Julie are you from Hamilton but living in america


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)