Re-union Photo's 2010

Jun 10, 2011

Photos from Sue

 Thanks to Sue for theses photos, Who's the baby in the pushchair....will he or she be at the reunion?


  1. The baby is taylor he is now 29, just back in touch with his mom Maureen via f/b so hopefully they might both make the re union

  2. I will be there with Theresa can't wait to catch up with everyone.

  3. Jackie you should be very proud of your self for setting up this site well done can't wait to meet you. xxx

  4. Thanks Maureen, it will be good to meet you, the site has been going for 3 yrs now and still growing!

  5. Maureen, I saw on the message board that you had lots of photos to send to me for the site, please send as many as you have !!! Thanks


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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