Re-union Photo's 2010

Jul 8, 2011

A Photo from Finbar.

One more photo from Finbar today here are the details he sent along with it......

Brit 1972.

From L/ to R 

Fin (me), Guy in dark shirt (unknown), Maggie Mundy (owner's wife, also had the mini bar), Jim foley, Micky Mac, Andy (from Lester) 


  1. Hi Phil, you should know the guy in the dark shirt, i'm sure he's a scott, and worked somewhere in Lloret ?.you said Colin now living in Jersey,( did he win the lottery ? i worked there in 1966 ( yes i'm am old) but could not afford to live there) how are you ? and do you ever see Tottie ? if so please pass on my best, Hi Jackie thanks for posting the photo, Regards (forgotten but not dead) Fin Smyth

  2. The guy in the black t-shirt is scottish tommy cant remember where he worked but he went with one of my friends so was always in our apartment

  3. Just thought i think tommy worked in tempo's

  4. thank you Sue, your wright , Tommy use to come in for a chat and a swift half before he went to work.(How could i forget) the Guy at the end Andy i worked with him for the season and can;t remember his last name.( if your out there Andy please get in touch) Thank's Again Sue. Fin Smyth.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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