Re-union Photo's 2010

Nov 10, 2011

Mariano's Photos

Today we have some more pics from Mariano.....I like the black & white one below, it shows how small the town of Lloret really was!

Lots more propaganda!


  1. Is that Palanca in the foto?

  2. Yes,he is,Francisco el"Palanca" still in Lloret,I saw him in September in Zoo disco wiht his son.

  3. I saw Frankie too in September..He worked at one time in the Texas with Phil and co...unfortunately he wasn't very well but it was nice having a chat with him. Bit of a Lloret legend really.....

  4. I worked with Franjie in the Texas, funny guy "come on gringo lets play Bingo"

  5. cant believe frankie ever looked like that !


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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