Andy , Pete , Babs ,Eddie , Maurico de Mingo ( Maurice ) and Paul ( Burge ) |
Many thanks to Eddie for sending these photos both featuring the West Coast where Eddie worked back in the mid 70s. More of Eddie's photos later in the week!
Here's a couple of lines from Eddie's email -
"I have been on the site for about a year now and think its brilliant , thought you might be able to use some of these . I worked in the Coral and West Coast around 1975 after having had a season on the beach"
Ian ( room - mate and Christines above Coral ) Pete , Me , Maurice and Andy |
In 1963 El Granja restaurant and bar displayed a large sign in English saying "Afternoon tea - not made with tea bags" and it was a meeting place for tour guides. They all called the place "Not made with tea bags". Does anybody esle remember it?