Re-union Photo's 2010

Dec 6, 2011

Photos from Eddie

Andy , Pete , Babs ,Eddie , Maurico de Mingo ( Maurice ) and Paul ( Burge )
 Many thanks to Eddie for sending these photos both featuring the West Coast where Eddie worked back in the mid 70s. More of Eddie's photos later in the week!

Here's a couple of lines from Eddie's email -

"I have been on the site for about a year now and think its brilliant , thought you might be able to use  some of these  . I worked in the Coral and West Coast around 1975 after having had a season on the beach"
Ian ( room - mate and Christines above Coral ) Pete , Me , Maurice and  Andy

1 comment:

  1. In 1963 El Granja restaurant and bar displayed a large sign in English saying "Afternoon tea - not made with tea bags" and it was a meeting place for tour guides. They all called the place "Not made with tea bags". Does anybody esle remember it?


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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