Re-union Photo's 2010

Dec 21, 2011

A special message

I've had an email from Pat Murphy asking if l could pass on some information about Peter Piper, so here's a copy of his message....

Hi Jackie,
Pat Murphy here, hope you and yours are well, I didn't make the re-union this year but hopefully 2012 fingers crossed. Could you do me a favour could you let anyone or everyone who knew him that Graham Heywood aka THE PUFF aka Peter Piper who sang with Jeff Fartuncle in the Duke of York amongst other things is alive and well and appearing alongside Shane Ritchie in Aladdin at the Cliffs Pavillion in Southend on Sea. He said he's lost touch with a lot of people but sends everyone his regards and wishes them well and hopefully I can talk him into going to the next re-union. He has been on the website but doesn't quite know how to use it. Anyone going on a cruise this year look out for Peter Piper.
Many thanks Jackie have a very merry christmas and a happy new year same applies to anyone who knows me.
Cheers Pat



  1. good news pat cheers

  2. Give him my love Pat, last time I saw him we went to see him in boogie nights when he was starring alongside shane ritchie again x

  3. who's shane ritchie

  4. New Jim'll fix it presenter

  5. frank.mabawsur's brother

  6. Alongside..but not the star


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)