Re-union Photo's 2010

Feb 29, 2012

One from Davy

Just one photo today  which was sent in by Davy taken 1981 outside Yates, one thing Davy said about this photo is that "Frank looks like a cardboard cut out"....I wont tell you what I said about Davy :-))
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Feb 28, 2012

Brians photos

A few more photos from Brian who worked in Lloret back in 1980.
Brian is on the far left of the top photo.

Feb 27, 2012

Para Alan

Thanks to Alans sisters for letting me use their personal photos of (Para) Alan for the 'Old Stuff'...and we all thought he was camera shy, he certainly doesn't look it in the photo above - what a great shot!

Feb 26, 2012

Pat's photos

Thanks to Pat in Canada for sending another batch of photos through with a couple of names attached............

"Diane is sporting an afro type hair style, I’m  the shorter one with long hair. I also included a snapshot of Steve and Claire’s wedding. I also have a photo somewhere of the girls soccer team, we all had different colour shirts and no trainer shoes, I believe some of us even played in sandals"

Feb 25, 2012

Kay's photos

 Can we help Kay find her friends from back in the 70s or at least put some names to the faces?
In the first photo taken on Lloret beach (Kay is on the right) and its her friend Lorraine who she is with that she would very much like to find. In the next photo are Burky and Sheriff, does anyone know where sheriff is these days, also with Kay in the boat photo are Liz and Margaret, where are these girls today?

Feb 22, 2012

Kevin's Photos

Here we have photos from Kevin with Lloret workers from the years 1974-76 on their end of season holiday in the Canaries,can we put any names to the faces? It could be a bit difficult with the top one though!

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Old Scenes of Lloret

 I've received a very interesting email from Ray who sent in several photos a while ago, Ray used to work for Tony Batey and here is his story.....

"Thank you for passing on my information to Oscar Batey.  I have not heard back from Tony Batey yet but I notice that a web page now contains the historic photo of Tony, Eric, Maggie and myself that was taken shortly before Eric died on that very spot behind the bar of the Captain's Arms.   I should have mentioned before that I was Tony's first employee, hired in April 1963 for the opening of the Captain's Arms in Lloret.   Maggie was the second employee, hired about one month later.   I was due to open the bar at sunset but Eric had gone in earlier and was in the process of restocking the shelves to do me a favour, when he suffered a massive heart attack and died quickly (at age 35).   I will never forget the horse-drawn hearse with squeaking wheels (because of ungreased axles).   We all walked behind the hearse from the church to the cemetery with the priest in front, then all of the men and finally all of the women.   In our ignorance of local customs, we foreigners followed the grave diggers into the cemetery and witnessed the burial.   We should have gone no further than the cemetery gate.
In 1963 the English tour guides would meet at a bar-restaurant named "La Granja".   Above the doorway of "La Granja" hung a wooden sign reading "Afternoon tea.  Not made with tea bags".    It was common to hear tour guides agreeing to meet later at "not made with tea bags".
There were a lot of stray dogs roaming the streets of Lloret in 1963.   One day a council employee with a bugle did a poor imitation of a town crier.   In the main streets he stopped at every corner, made horrible noises on his bugle and then loudly read a proclamation about stray dogs being exterminated.   A couple of days later the hit squad came around with fatal injections and lots of dead dogs lay in the streets for hours before being carted away.   The English dog-lovers were appalled"
 I'm sure there must be lots more similar stories out there, if any of you have a story you would like me to add to the blog for others to read then by all means send it in for me to publish. 
Now a few more photos which show how Lloret used to look before most of us were born! including one taken on Tossa de Mar beach showing an old woman doing her its not me before you ask!

Arial view of Fenals

Wash day on  the beach at Tossa.

Feb 20, 2012

Karens Photos

1982 Beach Party with Max
Thanks to Karen for sending photos for the Old Stuff earlier this year, these are the last few which feature a few well known faces!


Karens info for the above photo -  "And here's one for Malc Coombs taken in 1980 just before I had to go home to hospital with a dodgy eye (hence the awful sunglasses!). He'll be able to name the other guys out propping one afternoon" 

Feb 18, 2012

Kevin's Photos

Here we have a few more photos from Kevin who worked in at Moby's and the Pink Panther during the years of 1974-7.
!st photo taken at El Relicario's everyones favourite chicken place!
Mark, Danny and who else, Kevin can't remember his name, can you?

Feb 17, 2012

Pat's photos

Thanks to Pat for sending her 1970s photos through, can anyone recognise any of these faces or places from back then?

Feb 16, 2012

Colins Photos

 Thanks to Colin for todays pictures from 'Colins Cottage' or were 1 or 2 taken in Colin's Cabin??

Looks like another party night!

Feb 15, 2012

Davy's 50th

 Thanks to Davy for sharing photos from his 50th birthday meal at the Tobago in Lloret, looks like all the lads had a great time!

Feb 13, 2012

Photos from Shorny aka 'Spock'

Thanks to Shorny for getting in touch again and passing on a great selection of his photos and also for including info for each one.  
In the first photo below from the Britannia Snorny says that this is the night they got arrested..but doesn't say why!

Another from the Britannia 1977

Some of Shorny's photos were water damaged but I've been able to salvage them all with a bit of cropping and re-touching, so apologies for the one above which Shorny thinks is Barry wearing Scotty's kilt and dancing on his bed!
Billy Bear