Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 4, 2012

Kevin's Pictures

Here we have a few pics from Kevin today, Kevin worked in Mobys and the Pink Panther during the 1974-76 seasons.

Moby's - Flowerpower wallpaper!
More of that wallpaper!


  1. David (Magician)04 March, 2012 13:58

    Question for Kevin please? when did Jimmy (Sparrow) work at the Moby, what years, I believe he was manager, is he still going and why is he never in any pictures?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. top photo - looks like jeanette dark hair laying across with legs across guys knee ??

  4. remember the flower power wallpaper in the moby dick very well !!!

  5. where is the top photo taken ? looks like it could be the terrace outside the old moby dick with the stairs in the background going up to the 1925 bar, or probably as it was then the steak bar


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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