Re-union Photo's 2010

Mar 9, 2012

Mariano's Propaganda!

Thanks to Mariano for putting together this collection of photos and propaganda from Llorets bars and disco's of the 70s. What a shame we wont be seeing these keepsakes given out on the streets anymore..... did you know as from this year its against the law for bar owners to promote their business in this way! What stupid law will they come up with next?
I can remember we often went home from holiday with a few 'souvenirs' of the propaganda cards and flyers which we still have today!


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  1. Top photo,my friend Trevor,worker in Foto LLoses,he went to Australia,anybody know some about him?second photo,Pedro,(from Zaragoza)who was working in Tempo disco and Zodiac disco,Salvador, Ex-worker in Captain´s Arms and tourist office from Lloret,third photo,my friend Mario and Claude(French)workers in Moef Ga-ga disco

  2. So funny how looking as these can just transport me back in time (good times) Kay

  3. yes they do transport you back in time, had loads of them at one time which i kept for years but must have got rid of them all cos don't know where they are all now ?


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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