Re-union Photo's 2010

May 17, 2012

Angies photos

 More photos from Angie today with one from the Cutty Sark which we dont often get photos of, nice to see a big crowd outside, one things for sure they wouldn't have all got inside! Remember those stairs leading up to the toilets???


  1. Pic one ouside cutty sark front row me with Irish Steve he worked on the beach at the boats.
    Pic out Side AndyStewert Bar next to Copper Kettle two Me Angie Wainman,Neil,Jennifer,Ian Cresswell,
    Pic Three Me Debbie&Chris.

  2. Stewart From AndyStewart Bar is peeping at the back on Pic two

  3. remember the stairs well in the cutty sark ! once you got to the top of them you couldnt stand up straight, the ceiling was really low, there were tables and chairs up there aswell to sit, not so bad sitting down i suppose ! cant imagen how all the people on the photo fitted in !!???

  4. I was ok with the height when I worked there with knocker because I am small lol.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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