Re-union Photo's 2010

May 1, 2012

A Bullfight Story from David!

Thanks again to David our 'resident story teller' for another funny tale from his time in Lloret while working for Thomsons.....
Hi again Jackie, well as promised “worlds greatest bullfighter”.
Having worked 2 seasons in Lloret for Thomsons they decided I would be moved to Just outside Callela to the Massive complex of “Taurus Park”
This because I was being trained and showing signs of being suitable as a hotel entertainer, well the Taurus Park had its own nightclub and its own BULLRING and once a fortnight we were to host a bullfight!!.
So it was once every two weeks I would invite all the young men in the audience to come down to fight the “Baby bulls” now to sell the afternoon I told all the guests at the welcome meetings the bulls were no bigger than Alsatian dogs so there was no problem getting 40 or more guys to join me ringside. I showed them how to hold the plastic sword and red cape and told the 300 spectators watching to shout Olay when a good pass was made and Toro Toro if the bull didn’t move. I gave the sword and cape to the first guy placed him in the ring and took my place on the raised stand (outside) the ring, well there was a recorded round of bullfight music and the gate was opened, every single fortnight without fail when the bull charged out the guy in the ring dropped the sword and cape and ran so did at least 25 of the volunteers, back into the stand to their partners. It took a lot of coaching to get at least some of them back down (the bulls were just a bit bigger than an Alsatian!!! and got bigger as the season went on) the other hilarious bit was after the first couple of outings the bulls soon realised the big red cape always moved out their way but the silly bugger holding it didn’t, so by the second month the bulls just came charging out and straight into the Bullfighter, you could hear the laughter in Lloret?
After the bullfight we would have a game of football in the ring to say sorry with a bottle of champagne for the winners, boys versus girls but to make it fair everyone had to jump in a sack, so the game commenced (I was still on my high stand outside) until 5mins into the game there was ALWAYS a penalty!! Now the Spanish chap who looked after the bulls at the back didn’t speak any English but had been carefully trained that when he heard Penalty, Penalty he opened the gates and let out ALL the bulls, some inside the ring others outside. I have seen without a lie men and women still in their sacks JUMP the 4 foot fence
only to be looking at another bull charging their way outside.
Needless to say I was always escorted from the ring by the two massive owners of the complex as no one would have given me life insurance at that time, and Oh why only once a fortnight? ---- so the guests couldn’t warn the new arrivals as to the size of the bulls, we always had a full house , hundreds, and always the most hilarious afternoon people had ever had (perhaps not so all the bullfighters, but then shorts are easy to WASH?.)
More next month


  1. Not sure if the years have embellished your story or not over the years David ? bit what the hell , great story and still LMAO at it , many more please

  2. We used to take the photos at the mock bullfight for foto lloses, it was just like that, it was soooo funny

  3. David (Thomsons)02 May, 2012 09:40

    Eddie, as god is my witness that was exactly as it went each fortnight, still laugh to myself even after all these years.

  4. Do you have any photos of these days , they would make great viewing ?

  5. Fantastic story David, it has brightened up a very dreary day. Thanks.

  6. I remember those mock bull fights the bulls certainly got bigger, I remember staying in the ring till the next to last one, they had a laugh with me soaking my trousers between the legs to make it look like I had wet myself, I remember to a lot of the volunteer tipsy bull fighters scarpering when the bulls got bigger


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