Re-union Photo's 2010

May 20, 2012

Fins Photos

 A few Black & White photos from the early 70s today, all were kindly sent in by Fin along with names for each one.....
 Picture 1- Fin and Jimmy Plumb
Picture 2- Early 1972 John, Fin, Alan, Tony Gaffney, Micky Mac
Picture 3 -Jimmy Foley, Barbara, Betty Crombie, Pat ?, Brenda and ? 1973 PP's disco
Picture 4-Party Night at the Prince


  1. Great photos, great people. Brings back lots of nice memories.

  2. Photo 3 PP's Disco 1973 far right is Stafford Scally RIP XX


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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