Re-union Photo's 2010

May 28, 2012

Maureens Photos

I still have several of Maureen's pics that I haven't yet put on the blog, sorry about the delay Maureen but as I get more & more photos sent the older ones seem to go to the back of the queue!
In the 1st pic is John Hempenstall who worked for Foto Lloses.
2nd pic. Maureen with her son Taylor
3rd Pic. Is the ever popular Gerry's Garden with Jordi, Caroline on the left. Also in the pic are Moggy, Martin, Tommy, Sharon & Charlie...A glamorous looking Aunty Jean at the front??
4th Pic. On the left Jordi  and Maureen on the right.


  1. the girl on the bottom photo on the left looks familiar ???

  2. It's Sue who married Jordi

  3. Mick Fitsall30 May, 2012 17:00

    Second photo, girl on the left, is called Sandy.

  4. Anybody got any pics from 1979, My name is Sean & I worked in the Londoner for Chris.

  5. Hi Sean There are several photos on the blog from 1979, you can do a search for them by just going to the top of the page where the blog title is and in the small white search box on the left put in the year and then click on the magnifying glass, any post containing the words you enter will then show. You can also search for any persons name you wish to find in the same way....good luck, let me know if you have any problems.

  6. Second pic,girl on the right,ex Carlo´s wife,my friend Rona.

  7. Nice one Mariano, names for all in the pic

  8. Hey it's Garry I'm in the top pic in the centre I would love to here from anybody in the pic especially john, Charlie or George does anyone know how I can get hold of them.


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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