Re-union Photo's 2010

Jun 23, 2012

Photos from Paul Seager

 I've received a great selection of new photos this time from Paul who managed Sweeney Todds during his time in Lloret. Just a few of Pauls pictures are posted below and also parts of his email giving details of the pics...there's many more to come yet! If anyone remembers Paul and would like to get in touch with him I do have his email address which he has said I can pass on.

 I was in Lloret de Mar from 1982 – 1987 and used to manage Sweeney Todds bar.  I then went on to partnership a bar in Calella.  I have about 30 photographs if you are interested which I can send you through in batches with whatever information I can remember.  I am interested in contacting some of the old crowd that I worked with during those years and by the way I think the website is a fantastic idea.
 The first pic is of me and our doorman Steve, I don’t recall the other guy but he was a prop for us. 
 Ronnie who was the co-owner of Sweeney's – on his motorbike with Sonia, one of our barmaids on the back
John and Steve from Basildon who I am still in contact with.  The blonde girl is Diane who I met whilst a prop in 82 and who came back as a worker the following year, who I shot back to England, married and we came back and carried on working.  I believe we were one of the few married couple workers.  The other guy is Nigel who was our DJ at Sweeney's.


  1. Looks like Boy George was on holiday as well!!!

  2. I thought the same but didn't like to say!
    Hope you liking your new job Ricky xx


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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