Re-union Photo's 2010

Jun 7, 2012

A Story from Mariano..

After recent stories which have been sent in to the blog Mariano would like to add one of his own from the 70s....
I hope you understand my difficult for to write in English but here goes my story hoping like you it. In the early 70´s there was a bar opposite the Western Saloon,this bar had a lot of customers because the drink prices,were much lower than  others bars around,the bar's name was "Martin's Bar"and the owner Martin,was gay.In those years,many stray dogs,some loose by their owners and others abandoned,were coming along the streets and along the beach of Lloret,searching for tourist feed,one day,being in Martin's bar,crossed down the street,outside the bar,a bitch in heat,followed by perhaps sixteen or more dogs,when Martin saw the gang of dogs pass by the street behind the bitch,came to the door of his bar and cried -;¡Oh! "how lucky they have some"                                             


  1. When I worked as a prop boy at La Cala in 1979 the owner was a little gay chap called Fernando..if anyone new joined the prop team they would be sent across to order sandwiches by being told to ask for maricons etc etc, but they were'nt offended and had a laugh with us. Mind you, they were seriously outrageous!

  2. Stewart Reilly07 June, 2012 18:08

    I have a better one.I took the bitch in to my apartment for my dog to have a go ,and when he finished i took the bitch down in the lift ,and when i opened the door of the lift ,their was Rish arms spread against the wall with the pack of dogs all around him ,never new he was scared of dogs ,i had to slide him along the wall into the lift

  3. Martin's Bar did the best omelette bocs in the world x

  4. You're right Jill..thats what the new prop boys thought they were asking for when they were sent in for "Maricons"


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