Re-union Photo's 2010

Aug 31, 2012

Carolines Photos

 Today we have a few more pics from Caroline, some of you out there may know Caroline's parents who still live here in Lloret, Eric and Margarita often seen in the Bar Maritim, behind Magic Park, and Barretina, and are friendly with Fiona.


  1. David (magician)31 August, 2012 20:14

    A "Baby" sparrow in the bottom photo BUT what was the name of the Moby guitar player in top photo?

  2. Howard Hughes, (real name Charles Hughes)

  3. and big Henry, singing the Wellie boot song

  4. Found in "Yates"
    The last of todays photos was sent in by Steve and is from 1977. Here is what Steve said in his email...
    "I worked in Lloret '75 and 76, Yates, Less Brasses (now a Japanese restaurant) Paddy's bar, Bier Keller and The Yellow Submarine (that's where the photo was taken) My sister, Caroline, also worked there at the same time, printing T shirts for Ted (Moby Dick). My parents now live there and we are often over for short breaks, often meeting in the Barratina's and having a chin wag with Fiona"

  5. looks like conrad on the photo at the t shirt stand outside the moby dick.

  6. David (magician)01 September, 2012 20:08

    Thanks for info, is Howard (Charles) still singing these days?, he really was a good entertainer.

  7. Is that guitar an 'Epiphone', semi acoustic ? What amp was being used. Never seen one in that colour,or maybe it,s a Gretsch .

  8. Yes it is Conrad I think he got married and moved to Iceland where his wife is from.

  9. Re; guitar. have done some research- it is an epiphone,a very rare one ! If you look closely it has Gibson pick ups on it.Will the owner tell us more about it? They have a very sharp ,crisp sound. Current models are nowhere near the same quality .


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
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