Re-union Photo's 2010

Sep 16, 2012

Biddy's Pics

 Thanks to Biddy for todays pictures, he has sent a message to everyone who is here for the reunion...

"Hope you are having a great reunion this week,I'm sending some photos of my time in Lloret76/77,everytime I go onto your site the memories come flooding back . I've done a lot in my life but can honestly say 76/77 was the best time ever, I'm sure in these photos there will be a lot of faces people will recognise. Anyway have a great reunion & hopefully I will make it next year"


  1. Nice to see some photos from my era again and of course Smoothy making an appearance, I think he use to be camera shy lol x

  2. That's how i remember thetexas when i was on holiday in 77/78. happy days.

  3. Is that Chris fro Cutty Sark with with big beard, top photo 3rd from left? Squizz x


Please add any info you may know or would like to share about the photos...Thanks!
(Any inappropriate messages will be removed)