I've picked out a few snippets of information and photos from the emails which Ross has sent me hoping it may jog someones memory....
"My uncle used to live and work in Lloret in the mid to late 70's through to the mid 80's.
Sadly he died in Lloret in 1986 and I'm trying to find people that may of known him well and may have information about his life and death"
"My uncles name was Roy Jennings, he was from Wellington in Somerset,
England. I don't know a lot about his life in Lloret, I think he started
out as a rep for 'Enterprise' holidays & by the end he co ran his
own company called 'Europa S.A.' handling apartments to rent & buy"
I hope you hear from someone Ross in response to your appeal x
ReplyDeleteThank you to everyone that may of helped or have tried to help me, I really appreciate it. Sorry if my requests of Jackie to post these photos etc of Roy has annoyed you. All the best to all. Ross.
ReplyDeleteRoss, Sure no one would be annoyed....and we'd have helped if we could...I personally don't remember Roy and I've not heard of anyone saying they did...he just must have mixed in different circles than us, All the best.
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda. Bit of a long shot I know but has anyone got a map of Lloret/Fenals from the 80's? I'm trying to get my head around the geography of Roy's death but obviously it has all changed since then. He was found outside 'edificio Americas' and was living/working in 'edificio trimaran' both on 'rio de la plata' I believe.?
ReplyDeleteHi Ross leave it with me me till I get back to lloret and I'll get a photo of the block if that's what you want, I wondered if you knew which apartment bock it was. roger told me the other day it is the Americas...only two mins from where I live.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jackie, that would be great. I think his apartment and Europa were in this 'edificio trimaran' which wasn't far away.? I believe a supermarket called 'Masso' was near or opposite.?
ReplyDeleteYes that's right Ross, they are next to each other, and the supermarket is now called Caprabo, which is where I do a lot of my shopping.
ReplyDeleteHi Jackie, This is an outside chance but has anyone asked Jan Kirby if she knew/remembers him, I say this because she worked in the tourism circles and could well have met him or heard of him. I was around from the late 60's to the late 70's but do not remember him at all which is strange because in those days there were not that many English people there compared with today. Chris stanley.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot chris, I have someone else looking into it for me, so l'll pas that on.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your input/help Chris, much appreciated! Ross.